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At Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law, 我们很自豪能代表路易斯维尔和肯塔基州的客户. 我们认真对待宪法,并自豪地维护我们的客户获得律师协助的宪法权利,并帮助保护他们的其他权利, as well. Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law has the resources, knowledge and, most importantly, 经验会给你最好的辩护. It is important to remember you are innocent until proven guilty; the State must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. 一个经验丰富的刑事辩护律师可以帮助你在刑事系统中导航,公平竞争. 如果你在肯塔基州被指控犯罪,请bet9九州体育登录 online or call us at (812) 725-8224 尽快开始为自己辩护. 控方不会等,你也不该等.

Types of Offenses in Kentucky

肯塔基州将犯罪分为两类:轻微犯罪的轻罪, 更严重的是重罪. 每个类别还将违法行为划分为子类别, creating a hierarchy of offenses, based on severity. 对每个人的判决各不相同,从小额罚款或社区bet9九州体育登录到长期监禁.

Kentucky Statistics

No area is free of crime, 但统计数据显示,在一些地方,人们被指控犯罪的次数比其他地方要多. The website Neighborhood Scout reports that last year there were 106,038 crimes in Kentucky, 9,676 of them violent and 96,363 involving property only. 路易斯维尔被评为肯塔基州第五大危险城市, followed closely by Shively at No. 6.

Defense in the Commonwealth

Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law很荣幸能够帮助肯塔基州和邻近的印第安纳州解决所有的刑事辩护需求, including:  

Protecting Your Rights

Regrettably, the system isn’t perfect. Mistakes, faulty testimony, 逼供都是导致错误定罪的因素. 有时,错误可以追溯到一个人的被捕. 如果逮捕人员没有合理的理由搜查某人或其财产, or if evidence was mishandled, it should not be used.

此外,由于法院量刑错误,出现了许多上诉. 印第安纳州和肯塔基州的法律规定了针对特定罪行的量刑准则, 提供一个一般的范围-有时有最大和最小的惩罚. 如果被告被判犯有刑事指控, 然后,法官通过考虑被告的性格等因素来决定量刑, criminal record, family situation, and other circumstances.

有一个经验丰富的律师在你这边可以帮助确保你的案件得到公平处理, from investigation through sentencing.

Your Personal Record

你个人记录上的定罪可能会产生严重而持久的后果. For those who have been incarcerated, 重建他们的生活是一项复杂的任务:当他们的监狱生活结束后, 处理犯罪记录才刚刚开始. Time spent away from friends and family is terrible enough; the lasting stigma of having been in jail makes it even worse. Most employers are hesitant to employ ex-cons; housing may be difficult to find; and rebuilding one’s reputation takes time. 很难找到一份工资能维持生活的工作. According to the Bureau of Justice statistics, the recidivism rate is 76.从州立监狱释放的囚犯,五年后的比例为6%,44%.联邦监狱释放的囚犯占7%, 部分原因是很难在“外面”恢复生活.”

在肯塔基州,丘奇、兰登、洛普、巴内特·劳能帮上忙. If you qualify, according to Kentucky State Law, 删除会把你的犯罪记录一笔勾销, 让你能更轻松地重新开始而不用背负犯罪记录的沉重负担.

有资格被删除,根据 Kentucky State Police,要求删除的请愿书包括资格证书的删除. Misdemeanors are generally easier to expunge; some felonies do not qualify at all, 但2015年,肯塔基州通过了一项法律,允许一些D类重罪从记录中清除.

任何类型的删除都要花钱,而且必须妥善归档. Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law在删除方面有丰富的经验,将带您完成整个过程.

有关流程的更多信息,请访问: Kentucky Court of Justice


如果你被指控犯罪,请bet9九州体育登录线路 Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law today. Operating out of offices in New Albany, Church, Langdon, Lopp, 巴奈特法律公司随时准备帮助您解决所有的刑事辩护需求, 并获准在肯塔基州执业. We have the knowledge, 资源和经验,帮助您制定最有效的策略,以应对刑事指控.  Contact us online or call us at (812) 725-8224 如果您今天有任何疑问或想要建立一个免费咨询.

Attorney Marc Tawfik

马克是肯塔基人,他一生的大部分时间都在这个州生活和工作. 他是肯塔基州和印第安纳州的执业律师, and his focus is on trial work, 包括民事诉讼和刑事辩护. 他代理过各种各样的客户, 他致力于把客户的需求放在第一位. [ Attorney Bio ]

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